Issue - decisions

Cemetery Arch, London Road

24/09/2021 - Cemetery Arch, London Road

The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report seeking approval for the proposal to dispose of Cemetery Arch on a 250-year. A Site Plan was attached to the report.  Additional confidential information was included in the report and appendices considered in private session (see Minute 26 below).


The report noted that the Arch had been leased to Thames Valley Police in 1998 until it had been returned with vacant possession in December 2015.  In September 2015, the Property had been marketed by informal tender on the open market and in accordance with the Third Sector Lettings Policy but no offers had been received.  In June 2018, the Property was to have been sold at auction, but had been withdrawn when a local arts organisation Junction Arch Heritage & Arts (JAHA) had indicated that it wanted to convert the building into an arts venue.  Discussions between JAHA and the Council had not concluded, and in November 2020, the Council had remarketed the Property seeking community interest through the Third Sector Policy with Reading Voluntary Action (RVA) and commercially through an agent.


The report explained that three bids had been received comprising one Third Sector bid from JAHA, and two private bids.  The report summarised the bids and their proposed uses of the property.  It noted that, although the bid from JAHA was not the top offer financially, it would provide local economic, community and social wellbeing opportunities with a proposal for a Heritage and Arts and community co-working Hub. 


The JAHA development was proposed in two phases with office and community uses and was subject to funding.  Phase 1 was to focus on the conservation of the Archway building with the rooms in the arch restored and utilised as affordable office space or dedicated office space for social enterprises together with the creation of a food court area to be run by Blue Collar.  This would be funded by a Heritage Impact Loan from the Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) sustained by income from the food court and office lettings.  Phase 2 would create an exhibition space of Heritage and Art along with a single storey building and gardens to the south of the site for local businesses and community groups.


The report proposed that the Council and JAHA enter into an Agreement for Lease with a 250-year Lease of the Property together with any necessary rights of way as required under the archway, then being granted subject to JAHA securing planning permission and a Heritage Impact Loan of £165k from the Architectural Heritage Fund to deliver the Phase 1 works. The grant would also be subject to the Councils S123 disposal of open space process.  The Agreement for Lease would be for a maximum of 18 months and if obligations were not met within that timeframe then the Agreement would end. Authority was sought for Officers to proceed with remarketing the property if required.


Resolved –


(1)      That, taking into account the information provided in the closed session (Minute 26 below refers), a long leasehold interest in the Property be granted to JAHA (Junction Arch Heritage & Arts) subject to planning permission and securing the necessary funding;


(2)      That the Executive Director of Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services, be authorised to deal with any objections to the Open Space disposal;


(3)      That, in the event that the bid proposal or offer price was subsequently reduced or the purchaser did not perform to an acceptable timescale the Executive Director of Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, the Lead Councillor for Corporate and Consumer Services and the Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Services, be authorised to:


                     a) agree a revised bid proposal or offer price;


                     b) re-engage with other bidders as appropriate or remarket the property for disposal at best consideration.