Issue - decisions

211010/REG3 - Land to the West of, Abattoirs Road

30/09/2021 - 211010/REG3 - Land to the West of, Abattoirs Road

Part Retrospective application for the erection of 40 no. sleeping units and 3no. support units for rough sleepers, to be used temporarily for a period of 5 years.


The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above application.  An update report was tabled at the meeting which set out comments from Transport on amended plans that had been submitted and comments from the Thames Valley Police Crime Prevention Design Advisor who had no objection to the scheme.  The update report proposed amended conditions regarding cycle parking and a Secure access system and CCTV, and additional conditions regarding visibility spays and a Traffic Regulation Order for a no right turn at the junction of Caversham Road and Abattoirs Road.


Comments and objections were received and considered.


Resolved –


That, pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, planning permission for application 211010/REG3 be granted, subject to the conditions and informatives as recommended in the original report, with the amended and additional conditions as recommended in the update report.


(Councillor Ennis declared an interest in the above application on the basis that he had been involved in the development of the scheme as the previous Lead Councillor for Housing. He addressed the Committee and took no further part in the debate or decision.)


(Councillor Emberson declared an interest in the above application on the basis that she was involved in the development and promoting of the scheme as the current Lead Councillor for Housing. She addressed the Committee and took no further part in the debate or decision.)