Issue - decisions

CIL - Proposals for tatutory consultation

06/10/2021 - CIL - Proposals for Statutory Consultation

The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report that sought approval from the Sub-Committee for officers to carry out necessary statutory consultation/notice processes to progress three scheme designs for zebra crossings on Norcot Road, Church End Lane and Addington Road.  The report also sought agreement to implement lining schemes on Morpeth Close and provided notification of the lining alterations to the roundabout at The Meadows/St Michael’s Road, which did not require statutory consultation.  The following appendices were attached to the report:

Appendix 1

The proposal for a new zebra crossing on Norcot Road

Appendix 2

The proposal for a new zebra crossing on Addington Road

Appendix 3

The proposal for a new zebra crossing on Church End Lane

Appendix 4

The proposal for marked parking bays on Morpeth Close

Appendix 5

The lining alterations for The Meadway

The report stated that at Policy Committee on 14 June 2021 (Minute 7 refers) it had been resolved to allocate local CIL funding to enable the development and intended delivery of initiatives across many Council service areas.  Within these allocations were a number of traffic management schemes, the majority of which had originated from the Requests for Traffic Management Measure report that was submitted to the Sub-Committee twice a year.  These schemes were specific and allowed little scope for alternation to the deliverables.  The schemes were as follows:

·         Pedestrian crossing on Norcot Road; close to number 91 - £50k allocated;

·         Pedestrian crossing on Addington Road, between the junctions with Erleigh Road and Easter Avenue - £50k allocated;

·         Pedestrian crossing on Church End Lane, in the vicinity of Moorlands Primary School - £50k allocated;

·         Road marking on Morpeth Close, involving parking bay markings - £5k allocated;

·         Lining alterations on the Meadway at the roundabout with St Michael’s Road - £10k allocated.

Officers had carried out initial investigation works, had obtained indicative quotations and had provided Ward Councillors with recommended concept designs that they felt should be deliverable, within the allocated budgets.  Officers had also considered any feedback that had been received from the sharing of these initial scheme designs.  The report provided information on each of the proposals.

With regard to the pedestrian crossing proposals, it was acknowledged that they would be positioned outside residential properties, which might be a cause for some objection.  Within the limitation of what was possible, equipment would be chosen that would minimise light from beacons being directed toward nearby properties and any additional lighting would also be shielded. 

Officers confirmed that not all of the £10k allocated for lining alterations on the Meadway at the roundabout with St Michael’s Road would be used because, following vehicle trials, it had become clear that there was insufficient space for traffic islands as had been proposed.

Resolved –

(1)     That the report be noted;

(2)     That the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to undertake statutory consultation/notification processes for the proposed zebra crossing designs on Norcot Road, Church End Lane and Addington Road in accordance with the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996;

(3)     That the Network & Parking Services Manager, in agreement with the Lead Councillor for Strategic Environment, Planning and Transport, be able to make minor alterations to the agreed proposals;

(4)     That subject to no objections being received for a scheme, the scheme(s) be considered as agreed for implementation and scheme delivery planning will commence;

(5)     That should a scheme receive objection(s) during the statutory consultation period, that these be reported to a future meeting of the Sub-Committee for consideration and decision regarding scheme delivery;

(6)     That the proposals for Morpeth Close be agreed for delivery and scheme delivery planning will commence;

(7)     That no public inquiry be held into the proposals.