Issue - decisions

Kings Road Garden, Kings Road - Proposal to Add to the List of Locally-Important Buildings and Structures

07/07/2023 - Kings Road Garden, Kings Road - Proposal to Add to the List of Locally-Important Buildings and Structures

The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on a proposal to add Kings Road Garden to the list of Locally-Important Buildings and Structures, in line with the new process for local listing agreed by the Committee on 2 December 2020 (see also Minute 76 above).  An update report was tabled at the meeting setting out further information received and recommending amended Local List text as a result.

The report had appended:

Appendix 1: Location map

Appendix 2: Relevant photos and images

Appendix 3: Proposed Local List text

Appendix 4: Nomination form

The report set out details of the consultations carried out, their results and the Conservation and Urban Design Officer’s assessment of the proposal against the criteria in Appendix 2 of the Reading Borough Local Plan, concluding with reasons why the building qualified for addition to the Local List.

It was noted at the meeting that the original nomination form from Reading Conservation Area Advisory Committee had not included a tick in the section on being an example of deliberate town planning from before 1947, and this was not mentioned in the proposed local list text, but the report identified that the Garden did fulfil this criterion and this was also not mentioned in the proposed local list text.  It was suggested that the local list text should be amended to refer to this matter before the information was added to the website.

Resolved –   

(1)      That Kings Road Garden be added to the list of Locally-Important Buildings and Structures;

(2)      That the wording of the local list text be amended, as appropriate, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee and Councillor Rowland, before information on the listing was added to the website.