Issue - decisions

211424/FUL - 1a Eaton Place

23/06/2022 - 211424/FUL - 1a Eaton Place

Demolition of existing commercial building (Class E) and erection of residential block comprising of 2 x 1 bed flats (Class C3) 

The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above application. 

Comments and objections were received and considered.

Resolved –   

That planning permission for application 211424/FUL be refused on the following grounds:

1.       The proposed development, by reason of its overall scale relative to plot size, would result in a cramped arrangement that would fail to provide any private amenity space for both flats nor sufficient internal floor space for the proposed ground floor flat. This would adversely impact upon the level of amenity provided and would result in an unacceptable quality of living accommodation for future occupants, contrary to Policies CC8, H5 and H10 of the Reading Borough Local Plan (2019);

2.       The proposed development would locate the kitchen, bathroom and landing of the first-floor flat over the bedroom of the ground floor flat. This is considered to be an inappropriate ‘stacking’ arrangement which, through noise and disturbance caused by the occupiers of the first floor flat using these areas, will result in an unacceptable level of harm to the residential amenity for occupants of the ground floor flat. This would be contrary to policies CC8 and CR6 of the Reading Borough Local Plan (2019);

3.       In the absence of a completed legal agreement to secure an acceptable contribution towards the provision of Affordable Housing and off-site tree planting, the proposal fails to contribute adequately to the housing needs and amenity requirements of Reading Borough, contrary to policies H3 and EN14 of the Reading Borough Local Plan (2019), the Council’s Adopted Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (2021) and the Reading Borough Council Tree Strategy (2021).