Issue - decisions

Approval to Enter into Brighter Futures for Children Leases

12/07/2022 - Approval to Enter into Brighter Futures for Children Leases

The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report providing background and an update on the Brighter Futures for Children (BFfC) company property portfolio and seeking authority to enter into appropriate agreements on a number of properties.


The report set out the original property portfolio for BFfC and noted that, as part of the transition to service delivery by BFfC, leases had been put in place for the Council properties occupied by the company. The Council meeting on 16 October 2018 (Minute 29 refers) had authorised the Assistant Director of Legal & Democratic Services to agree leases linked to the BFfC Company set up.  There had since been some changes to the properties required, both from BFfC service changes and associated requirements as well as from known (or expected) property moves.  A number of additional properties had not been listed in the original transfer and therefore a new authority to enter into the necessary leases was required and the report sought delegated authority to enter into new leases for the following additional properties:


·       Sun Street - BFfC had vacated Katesgrove Community Centre and moved into Sun Street Community Hub.  The relevant lease needed to be granted which would also permit ad hoc use of rooms by the midwifery service.


·       Dee Park Community Centre - BFfC were currently in occupation of part of Ranikhet Primary School, which would be moving to a new school site as part of the Dee Park regeneration project.  BFfC had a provisional agreement to move from Ranikhet to the new Dee Park Community Centre; the building was under construction and completion was targeted for September 2022.  A new sub underlease to BFfC was required.  Ranikhet Rainbows Pre-School Ltd (Rainbows) had a sub-underlease lease of part of the current property from the Council at a peppercorn rent; BFfC wished to continue supporting Rainbows and would look to grant a sub underlease of part of their demise to Rainbows on peppercorn rent.


·       330 Northumberland Avenue - due to the agreement to develop the Avenue for SEN provision, notice had been advised to BFfC for The Avenue Centre.  BFfC were reducing their office requirements in line with a more flexible way of working, so a full like for like replacement for The Avenue Centre was not required. BFfC had requested some alternative office accommodation and 330 Northumberland Avenue had been proposed as the alternative.


·       Katesgrove Community Centre - The Youth Offending Service under BFfC currently delivered services from a leased in building at 16 North Street.  There was a continued risk that the Landlord could serve notice to seek possession and the recommendation was to relocate the service to provide secure council-owned premises.  Katesgrove Community centre was currently underutilised following the refurbishment of Sun Street community hub and had been identified by Facilities Management, the Estates team and BFfC colleagues as the best fit in terms of size, location and functionality while also being the most favourable economic solution. Katesgrove Community Centre would be retained and enhanced for community use alongside the work to relocate the Youth Offending Service.  Capital works were being planned for the property with a potential move date of December 2022 and the relevant Lease of part of the property to BFfC needed to be granted.


·       1 Dunsfold Road - BFfC would like to relocate the Family Contact Centre currently sited in the Civic Offices to a more residential setting. 1 Dunsfold was currently part vacant and part occupied by a nursery provider, and had been identified as a suitable site.  Capital works were required to the demise with occupation in August 2022 and a new Lease would be required.


The report also noted that due to the vacation of BFfC from The Avenue Centre a storage issue has been encountered, with storage space limited over the Council’s portfolio, and officers are working with BFfC and Berkshire Sensory Consortium (BSC) to identify suitable accommodation.


Resolved –


          That the Executive Director for Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, the relevant Lead Councillor and the Director of Finance and Assistant Director Procurement & Contracts be authorised to approve BFfC property (non-education) changes, new leases, including under-valued properties, for the assets listed above and in paragraph 4.1.2 of the report.