Issue - decisions

Gas Works Social Club, Gas Works Road - Proposal to add to the List of Locally Important Buildings and Structures

19/07/2022 - Gas Works Social Club, Gas Works Road - Proposal to add to the List of Locally Important Buildings and Structures

The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on a proposal to add the Gas Works Social Club, Gasworks Road to the list of Locally-Important Buildings and Structures.  The following documents were attached to the report:


·       Appendix 1: Location map

·       Appendix 2: Relevant photos and images

·       Appendix 3: Proposed Local List text

·       Appendix 4: Nomination form

The report set out details of consultation on the proposal and an assessment against the criteria in Appendix 2 of the Reading Borough Local Plan, concluding with reasons why the building qualified for addition to the Local List.

An update report was tabled at the meeting which clarified the planning history of the site with reference to planning permission 160378/FUL which had been issued on 28 October 2016.  The report stated that the adding of this building to the Local List would not hinder a developer seeking to implement the permitted development.


Resolved –   


That the Gas Works Social Club, Gasworks Road be added to the list of Locally-Important Buildings and Structures.