Issue - decisions

Progress of Projects Allocated Community Infrastructure Levy 15% Local Funds

28/09/2022 - Progress of Projects Allocated Community Infrastructure Levy 15% Local Funds

The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report providing an update on the 15% of collected Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which should be allocated to the local area in which development took place.  The following documents were attached to the report:


·       Appendix 1: Equality Impact Assessment;

·       Appendix 2: Update on 15% local CIL projects allocated funds in November 2018;

·       Appendix 3: Update on 15% local CIL projects allocated funds in June 2021.


The report explained that the projects allocated funds in November 2018 had now almost all been completed.  One of the exceptions was the High Streets Heritage Action Zone programme, an ongoing four-year project running up to 2024 in which the 15% local CIL contribution provided match funding to Historic England funding.  The other two projects outstanding were Whitley Wood Community Centre and the reinstatement of two sculptures in the town centre. 


The report noted that £0.050m had been allocated towards additional community facilities as part of, or near to, improved health care provision in Whitley Wood.  This had originally been identified to be used towards the development of a new church centre and health centre on the St Paul’s church hall site on Whitley Wood Lane.  Planning permission for this development had been granted subject to the signing of a legal agreement, but the final decision had not yet been issued, and it was likely that the development would not come forward for several years.  Policy Committee on 14 June 2021 had therefore agreed that the funds should be identified for the Whitley Wood Community Centre (Minute 7 refers) but subsequently a structural survey had found significant issues with the existing building, and a way forward in terms of permanent provision might take some time.  It was therefore considered that the funds should be retained within Whitley Wood and allocated to three projects in the local area already agreed by Policy Committee on 7 March 2022 as follows:


        Improvements to South Whitley Park – an additional £0.020m to make a total allocation of £0.190m;

        Gateway area pedestrian crossings (Imperial Way and Basingstoke Road) – an additional £0.010m to make a total allocation of £0.160m;

        Lulworth Road communal area improvements – an additional £0.020m to make a total allocation of £0.130m.


The report explained that the other outstanding project was the reinstatement of two sculptures in the town centre known as Bagged and Karen, Libbie and Adam which had been allocated £0.020m.  These were currently being held by the Council and work had been undertaken with Reading Civic Society to identify suitable locations for their reinstatement.  However, after a considerable amount of time, this work has been unable to identify sites, and it was now recommended that the funding be reallocated to the project for war memorials and public art and town centre monuments and statues which provided a broadly similar form of infrastructure within a similar geographical area.  This would increase the combined allocation to £0.170m.  In particular the intention would be to repair the ‘cartwheeling boys’ public art located in front of the site of the old Civic Offices.


The report explained that a number of the projects allocated funds in June 2021 had also now been completed, whilst most others were well underway.  At this stage, there was not considered to be a need to reallocate any of these funds.


Resolved –


(1)      That the progress on the projects benefitting from the 15% local CIL allocated by Policy Committee on 26 November 2018 (Minute 49 refers) and 14 June 2021 (Minute 7 refers), as set out in Appendices 2 and 3, be noted;


(2)      That the reallocation of £0.050m, originally allocated to additional community facilities at Whitley Wood, towards the following projects allocated funds on 7 March 2022 be agreed:


£0.020m for improvements to South Whitley Park

£0.010m for Gateway area pedestrian crossings (Imperial Way and Basingstoke Road)

£0.020m for Lulworth Road communal area improvements;


(3)      That the reallocation of £0.020m, originally allocated to reinstatement of two sculptures in the town centre, towards the following project allocated funds on 14 June 2021 be agreed:


£0.020m for town centre monuments and statues/war memorials and public art;


(4)      That the relevant officers be authorised to give spend approval in accordance with the funds approved at 2.2 and 2.3 above, and to make any variation to the allocations above in consultation with the Lead Councillors for Planning and Assets and Corporate Services and Resources and the Assistant Director of Finance.