Issue - decisions

Allotment Self-Management Update

09/01/2024 - Allotment Self-Management Update

Further to Minute 35 of the meeting held on 10 March 2022, the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report updating the Committee on the progress made on the actions contained in the Allotment Action Plan and on the uptake of Self-Management practices across the Council’s 20 allotment sites.  The following documents were appended to the report:

Appendix A:  Allotment Action Plan 2022;

Appendix B:  Current allotment tenancy agreement;

Appendix C:  Proposed draft allotment tenancy agreement.

The report stated that all of the Council’s 20 allotment sites were currently engaging with the self-management programme to a degree and that progress was very encouraging.  The engagement and improved communications had led to a reduction in the number of allotment service requests.  The rate of re-lettings had also significantly increased.

The report set out three proposals relating to tenancy management:

  • A review of rent and discount levels to support low-income households and help meet the agreed savings targets.  The proposals were for a 4% increase in line with the annual Directorate of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services fees and charges increases and consultation would take place between January and March 2023.  The report also set out the factors to be considered for consideration when setting the rents for 2024-25.
  • To propose, consult on and agree new conditions for tenancy agreements to clarify rights and responsibilities.  This included changes to the operation of the waiting list and a one-plot only policy for new tenants.
  • Address excessive waste generation on site and reduce disposal costs.  The report proposed that on-plot and on-site composting be promoted, improvements to site security to reduce fly-tipping and the introduction of charges for waste collections and clearance of plots that were in poor condition.

The report also proposed that the allotment year start date be changed to April rather than January from April 2024.  There were no statutory requirements to consult on this change, but tenants would need to be given 12-months written notice of the change.  Officers had given tenants informal notification with the December 2022 invoices, and would also include this in the formal 12-month notice period for changes to the new conditions on tenancy agreements.

Resolved –

(1)      That the progress of the Allotments Action Plan and Allotments Self-Management plan, and the further work needed to develop greater levels of self-management across all sites be noted;

(2)      That a Rent Review be carried out in Spring 2023 to allow time for a consultation period on the proposals prior to giving the statutory 12-months notice period to tenants of the agreed new fees and charges;

(3)      That the start date of the Allotment Year be changed from January to April;

(4)      That the revised Tenancy Agreement Conditions be approved for consultation;

(5)      That a site-by-site waste generation study be completed to inform proposals for the introduction of charges for the collection and disposal of tenant’s plot waste;

(6)      That a further update report to include the rent review consultation findings, a proposed new rent structure and a proposal to consider charging for site waste collection be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee.