Demolition of nos. 205-213 Henley Road and rear gardens of nos. 205-219 Henley Road and erection of 2 retirement living apartments blocks (C3 use-age restricted) including communal spaces with supporting car parking, open space landscaping and associated infrastructure. Access into the site from the adjacent development on Henley Road.
The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above application.
It was reported at the meeting that a further submission had been received since publication of the report from a nearby resident who had already commented on the application, expressing concerns about the lack of time to consider the application and to respond opposing the application. It was explained that the standard procedures for informing neighbours of the meeting had been followed.
Comments and objections were received and considered.
Resolved –
That consideration of application 220189/FUL be deferred for further information on matters including:
· the poor clarity and visibility of some of the maps and plans within the report
· the loss of trees, effect on tree canopy cover and the form and nature of the proposed trees
· more explanation of how flooding would be prevented
· why the condition regarding the water network infrastructure was pre-occupation not pre-commencement
· an explanation of the different calculations of the financial viability deficit and whether the development was likely to be built given the size of the deficit
· the suitability of the site for over 65s given the number of steps and slopes in the development
· the location and suitability of wheelchair-accessible flats
· the provision of Electric Vehicle charging points and whether they were all within disabled bays