Issue - decisions

Draft Palmer Park Development Framework

18/03/2019 - Draft Palmer Park Development Framework

The Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report seeking approval of a draft development framework for Palmer Park.

The area included the land within the area of Palmer Park defined by the railway line, London Road, St Bartholomews Road, Wokingham Road and Palmer Park Avenue. It had been decided that a draft framework should be produced to provide a blue print for the future enhancement of the park incorporating the Council’s ambition to provide a new swimming pool as part of the formal leisure offer.  The draft framework had been produced by the Council (with the assistance of an urban design consultancy) and was attached at Appendix 3. 

A map showing the extent of the Palmer Park framework area was attached to the report at Appendix 1 and an Equalities Impact Assessment was attached to the report at Appendix 2.

The report explained that, subject to the Committee’s approval, the draft framework would be published and would be the subject of a formal consultation exercise, led by the Council.  The consultation was expected to begin in mid-December 2018 and would last for a period of ten weeks (to allow for the Christmas holiday period) until late February 2019.  Responses received would be considered in preparing a final draft framework for adoption.

Resolved -     

(1)        That the draft Palmer Park Development Framework, as set out in Appendix 3, be approved for community involvement;

(2)        That the Head of Planning, Development and Regulatory Services be authorised to make any minor amendments necessary to the Framework  in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Strategic Environment, Planning and Transport, prior to the start of community involvement on the draft document.