Issue - decisions

Appointment of Remuneration Panel Members

17/01/2019 - Appointment of Remuneration Panel Members

The Monitoring Officer submitted a report asking the Committee to appoint to the Council’s Independent Remuneration Panel.


The report explained thatthe independent Remuneration Panel carried out an annual review of the Council’s scheme for Councillors’ Allowances, and had been set up to include at least three and no more than five independent members appointed to represent the following: the local business community, the local trades union movement, the local voluntary sector, the local media and a person with past experience of local government.  At the Council AGM on 23 May 2018 (Minute 9 refers) members with experience of the local business community and with past experience of local government had been appointed, but the other positions were currently vacant.  Three potential representatives had been approached and had agreed to be appointed to the Panel: Linda Fort (experience of the local media), Mick Pollek (experience of the local trade union movement) and Lady Audrey Durant (experience of the local voluntary sector).


Resolved –


(1)     That Linda Fort, Mick Pollek and Lady Audrey Durant be appointed as members of the Remuneration Panel;


(2)     That the appointments of Dick Taylor and Francis Connolly to the Remuneration Panel at the Council AGM be reconfirmed.