Issue - decisions

Proposed Closures of Milford Road and Meadow Road - Proposals for Statutory Consultation

07/02/2019 - Proposed Closures of Meadow Road and Milford Road - Update

Further to Minute 9 of the meeting held on 13 June 2018, the Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report providing the Sub-Committee with a design for the proposed closures of Meadow Road and Milford Road, and supplementary measures, that had been developed following the receipt of local feedback to the concept.  The report sought approval for statutory consultation on the proposed measures; a copy of the design proposal was attached to the report at Appendix 1.

The report noted that the forthcoming completion of Network Rail’s works at Cow Lane Bridges would result in the removal of permanent traffic lights and the creation of full two-way traffic operation through the bridges.  This was likely to result in more traffic using Portman Road and Richfield Avenue to reach Caversham Road, with a risk that, particularly during peak-times, some traffic might try to use a shortcut route via Tessa Road, Cremyll Road, Milford Road, Meadow Road and then use Addison Road, Ross Road, Swansea Road and Northfield Road as a bypass to any queuing traffic.  Informal consultation had been carried out on a proposal to close Meadow Road near to its junction with Milford Road, and Milford Road near to its junction with Cardiff Road.

The report stated that feedback that the Council had received had made it apparent that closing Meadow Road and Milford Road would isolate a small number of businesses in Cardiff Road from being able to receive deliveries, unless supplementary measures were considered.  The same issue for residential deliveries would also arise.  A design proposal had therefore been developed which included the closure of Milford Road and Meadow Road, but also the removal of the width restriction on Addison Road, north of its junction with Ross Road.  The proposal would create a route between Caversham Road and Cardiff Road, without enabling a rat-run, and would also allow some additional parking spaces to be created, where this was currently prevented by the width restriction.

Resolved –

(1)     That the report be noted;

(2)     That the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to carry out statutory consultations and advertise the proposals in accordance with the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996;

(3)     That subject to no objections received, the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to make the Traffic Regulation Order;

(4)     That any objections received following the statutory advertisement be submitted to a future meeting;

(5)     That the Head of Transportation and Streetcare, or their representative, in consultation with the appropriate Lead Councillor, be authorised to make minor changes to the proposals;

(6)     That no public enquiry be held into the proposals.