Issue - decisions

Brighter Futures for Children Contracts Update

08/11/2019 - Brighter Futures for Children Contracts Update

Further to Minute 89 of the meeting held on 8 April 2019, the Director of Resources submitted a report seeking approval from the Committee, in its capacity as sole member for Brighter Futures for Children Limited (BFfC/ “The Company”), for the key performance indicators (KPIs) and management information (MI) metrics for the Service Delivery Contract.  The report also sought authority to make any non-material changes to the Support Service Level Agreements which formed part of the Support Services Agreement between the Council and BFfC.


The report noted that at its meeting on 8 April 2019, the Committee had authorised the Managing Director of Brighter Futures for Children and the Council’s Chief Executive, in consultation with the Lead Councillors for Children and Education to finalise the revised contract KPIs and MI metrics.  The 22 agreed measures were set out in the report for the Committee’s endorsement.  The Service Delivery contract would be formally changed to reflect the agreed KPIs and MI metrics, and they would continue to be monitored as part of the performance framework within the contract.  The Council and the Company would review and where relevant revise the indicators periodically, and present any amendments to Policy Committee as required.


The report explained that in discussing the measures consideration had been given to the categorisation of measures around education where the company could influence performance but not directly control it (for example educational outcomes measures).  Although it would not be appropriate for under-performance on such measures to be capable of leading to company default under the contract’s performance mechanism, the Council wished to remain assured that the Company were seeking to positively influence such measures as part of their holistic approach to all children’s services.


Resolved –


(1)     That the final BFfC Contract KPIs and performance metrics for the 2019/20 financial year proposed jointly by the Council and the Company be endorsed;


(2)     That the Director of Resources be authorised to agree any non-material operational amendments to Support Services Service Level Agreements, which form part of the Support Services Agreement between the Council and BFfC.