Issue - decisions

594 Procurement of Personal Protective Equipment

19/05/2020 - 594 Procurement of Personal Protective Equipment

This report sets out the decision to purchase Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for staff and external care providers for their use during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Public Health England have prepared guidance on the range of Personal Protective Equipment that is required to keep staff safe when they are unable to maintain a distance of greater than 2 metres from customers and clients. Shortages of PPE is a global issue and whilst emergency stocks are being provided through the Local Resilience Forum the volumes are insufficient to meet ongoing demand. During the outbreak the Council is also required to provide emergency stocks of PPE to external care providers, Funeral Directors and Hospices.

A team dedicated to the assessment and provision to supplying PPE to staff and others has issued over 56,000 items of PPE and whilst other PPE providers are now able to provide items of PPE the lead-in times are extended.

Additionally there is a potential that the country will experience a second wave of the virus and in these circumstances it is imperative that the Council has sufficient PPE in reserve to ensure that it can cope with any future shortages.

It is the decision of the Executive Director of Resources, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to purchase Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the value of £70,000 to ensure that the Council has sufficient contingency in place to balance ongoing and future demand, especially where there is the greatest demand and potential continuing national and global shortages, namely Type IIR masks, surgical gloves and aprons.