Issue - decisions

Whitley Library

24/07/2020 - Whitley Library

The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the outcome of a marketing exercise to dispose of the freehold of Whitley Library.  Confidential information relating to the proposed disposal had been considered in closed session (Minute 4 above refers).  A location plan was attached to the report at Appendix A.


The report noted that, as part of the Community Hubs projects, Policy Committee had approved the relocation of the Whitley library service to the South Reading Youth & Community Centre, and the subsequent disposal of the previous site.  A marketing process had been carried out and five bids had been received.  The report recommended that the property be sold to ‘Bidder A’ who had offered the highest price and had advised that it was their intention to use the building for community purposes.  The purchaser would be required to respect the Local Listing of the building and the Preservation Orders placed on the qualifying trees.


The report explained that disposal of the library would also include an area of land currently used under a licence by the owner of the neighbouring property for garden land and driveway purposes, and that part of this land could be excluded from the library sale and sold to the owner of the neighbouring property to enable them to retain and regularise their driveway.


Resolved -


(1)      That the freehold interest in Whitley Library be disposed of to Bidder A in accordance with the terms set out in paragraph 4.2 of the report considered in closed session;


(2)      That the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services be authorised to agree terms for a supplementary minor disposal of adjacent land in accordance with the terms set out in paragraph 4.4 of the report considered in closed session;


(3)      That the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services be authorised, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Lead Councillor for Corporate & Consumer Services, to re-engage with other bidders as appropriate or remarket the property for disposal at best consideration, in the event that the offer price was subsequently reduced or the purchasers did not perform to an acceptable timescale.