Issue - decisions

2019/20 Quarter 4 Performance Report

24/07/2020 - 2019/20 Quarter 4 Performance Report

The Executive Director of Resources submitted a report setting out the provisional revenue and capital outturn positions for the Council’s General Fund and Housing Revenue Account for 2019/20. The following documents were attached to the report:


·       Appendix 1 – General Fund Outturn;

·       Appendix 2 – Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Outturn

·       Appendix 3 – Capital Programme Outturn

·       Appendix 4 – Savings;

·       Appendix 5 – Delivery Fund;

·       Appendix 6 – Reserves Position as at 31st March 2020;

·       Appendix 7 – Performance Outturn.


The report stated that the provisional General Fund revenue outturn position was a (£3.065m) underspend. This was a deterioration of £0.050m from the forecast as at the end of Quarter 3 (Period 9) and the position was prior to any service carry forward requests. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic was projected to account for £0.911m of additional revenue cost and income pressures in the final month of the year.


The provisional outturn for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) was an underspend compared to budget of £12.176m.  This had arisen due to the budgeted drawdown of £10.466m, actually being a reserve contribution of £1.710m. This was an improvement of (£3.562m) on the forecast position reported at Quarter 3; the main reasons for the improvement were due to rent collection, major works and capital financing.


The provisional General Fund Capital Programme outturn was a (£3.806m) net underspend as at the end of March 2020 against the revised net budget of £66.507m, agreed as part of the budget setting process in February 2020.  The provisional HRA Capital Programme outturn was a (£1.401m) net underspend against the net budget of £15.343m.


The report stated that £7.716m of savings had been delivered in 2019/20 against a target of £12.720m. Of the non-delivered savings £2.465m had been deleted as non-deliverable as part of 2020/21 budget setting, with the remaining £2.539m being carried forward into 2020/21.  The carry forward of non-delivered savings and the financial impact of Covid-19 had significantly increased the risk of delivering the 2020/21 budget and Medium-Term Financial Strategy as originally approved in February 2020, and options to mitigate the projected financial gap were currently being prepared for consideration in due course.


The report also set out performance against the measures of success published in the Council’s Corporate Plan. At the end of 2019/20 54% of measures were rated green, 14% rated amber and 32% rated red.


Resolved -


(1)          That the following be noted:


·       The provisional General Fund revenue outturn position for 2019/20 was an (£3.065m) underspend;

·       The provisional Housing Revenue Account outturn position for 2019/20 was a (£1.710m) transfer to the HRA reserve;

·       The provisional General Fund Capital Programme outturn position for 2019/20 was a (£3.806m) net underspend;

·       The provisional HRA Capital Programme outturn position for 2019/20 was a (£1.401m) net underspend;

·       That £7.716m of agreed savings had been delivered in year with £2.539m of non-delivered savings being carried forward into 2020/21;

·       That £3.068m of Capital Receipts had been used to fund transformation in accordance with the Capitalisation Directive (Appendix 3);

·       The performance achieved against the Corporate Plan success measures as set out in Section B of this report and Appendix 7;


(2)      That the following be approved:

·       The service requests to roll-forward funds totalling £0.518m into 2020/21 to complete agreed programmes of work;

·       That, in light of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the remaining underspend of £2.547m be set aside to bolster reserves;

·       That the £1.093m overspend in 2019/20 relating to Brighter Future for Children be funded by the Council;

·       That the net roll-forwards of budget within the Capital Programme totalling £4.169m be agreed; resulting in a revised Capital Programme net budget of £121.963m for 2020/21;


(2)           That the net roll-forwards of budget within the HRA Capital Programme totalling £1.533m be agreed; resulting in a revised HRA Capital Programme net budget of £31.795m.