Issue - decisions

200564/FUL - The Heights Primary School, 82 Gosbrook Road, Caversham

04/08/2020 - 200564/FUL - The Heights Primary School, 82 Gosbrook Road, Caversham

Retention of two modular school accommodation blocks (Use Class D1) and associated facilities for use by the Heights Primary School until 31st August 2021


The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above application.  An update report was tabled at the meeting which explained that outstanding flooding matters had been resolved, and that the Environment Agency had therefore withdrawn their objection, subject to two additional recommended conditions regarding retention of the floor levels, and the void area beneath the buildings.  The report also made several clarifications to the original report.


Comments and objections were received and considered.


Resolved –


          That temporary planning permission for application 200564/FUL be granted, subject to the conditions and informatives as recommended in the original report, with the two additional conditions as recommended in the update report.