The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report providing an update on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the current project timetable for the delivery of the food waste/140 litre bin project and to present a revised timetable for consideration and approval. Maps showing the locations of the early adopters, and the results and responses from the consultation with the Citizen’s Panel, were attached to the report.
The report noted that the pandemic had impacted on the resources available to the team and the ability to deliver an effective early adopters’ phase. This initial phase was considered vital to the success of the project, with learning outcomes being fed into the main roll out. The early adopters’ phase had originally been planned for July 2020, but it was now proposed to commence in October 2020 with a full roll out of the scheme planned for February 2021. The main roll out would be dependent on the success of the initial phases of work, which would still be liable to some risks associated with the on-going implications of the pandemic on resources and the community’s capacity to embrace a change to the collection process. The Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy had expected £171k of savings to be delivered in 2020/21 and a further £171k in 2021/22. The preferred option would not achieve the 2020/21 saving due to the later than anticipated full roll out of the service. However, it was anticipated that in 2021/22 the full saving of £342k would be achieved.
Resolved –
That the introduction of a food waste collection service and the introduction of 140 litre bins project be commenced from 5October 2020 (Early Adopters) and 1 February 2021 (Main Roll Out).