Issue - decisions

Results of Statutory Consultation - Local Community Infrastructure Levy Contributions (CIL) - Redlands Ward 20MPH Enforcement Support Measures

25/03/2021 - CIL Locally Funded scheme - Redlands 20MPH Enhancements: Results of Consultation

Further to minute 24 of the previous meeting, the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report, providing the Sub-Committee with the feedback that had been received regarding all elements of the proposed scheme of physical traffic calming measures focused on improving motorist compliance to the 20mph zone in Redlands Ward, but also covering Kendrick Road, which  was partially in Katesgrove Ward. Drawings to show the recommended range of physical measures reported in November 2020 were attached to the report at Appendix 1. This included the installation of speed humps at various locations along Allcroft Road, speed cushions and rubber kerbing with TMP bollards and tapers at various locations along Kendrick Road, speed humps at various locations along Morgan Road, speed cushions and parking bay build-outs with priority restrictions at various locations along Redlands Road.

The report recommended the implementation of speed cushions on Redlands Road instead of the parking bay build-out features requested during consultation as it was considered that they would be more effective measures that would affect traffic flow in both directions.  However, should the Sub-Committee agreed to the implementation of the parking bay build-out feature for Redlands Road, in place of the southernmost set of cushions. Officers considered that they could be implemented on the north-western approach to the parking bay, subject to the road safety audit results.

In respect of the latter feature, the report explained that at the time of writing, Officers were awaiting the completion of the independent road safety audit for the build-out solution along Redlands Road and that once received, Officers would need to review this information. 

A copy of the consultation feedback that had been received was attached to the report at Appendix 2. The feedback suggested significant support for the scheme; of the objections received, many referred to speed enforcement such as cameras as being the most effective solution. However, it was noted that it was not within the Council’s legal remit to enforce speed compliance, as this was a matter for the Police. The Council was continuing to lobby for speeding enforcement powers, or for greater influence over Police enforcement.

Upon reviewing the consultation feedback and bearing in mind that the objective of the scheme was to reduce vehicle speeds/improve speed compliance, the report recommended implementing the scheme as reported to the Sub-Committee in November 2020 and advertised.

Officers provided a verbal update at the meeting. They advised that they had now received the initial feedback from the independent road safety audit, which had been circulated to members of the Sub-Committee that afternoon before the meeting. Officers considered that the comments raised in the audit necessitated some minor alterations to the exact location of some speed cushion sets (those inside the crossing ‘zig-zag’ markings for Kendrick Road and Redlands Road), which fell within the minor alterations/tolerances allowed and did not cause any difficulty in proceeding with the proposed scheme.

The Sub-Committee welcomed the proposed schemes and were content with Officers’ proposed implementation of the scheme, as reported to the Sub-Committee in November 2020 and as advertised. However, bearing in mind that there was a strong local objection to the proposed speed cushions on Redlands Road, towards the junction with Elmhurst Road (as set out in objection number 31 of Appendix 2), it was suggested by the local ward councillors for Redlands Ward that a build-out feature, similar to those proposed on Kendrick Road, at the approaching end (north west direction) of the parking bay should be used instead.  Officers advised that were the Sub-Committee to agree to this minor variation, it would not be necessary to re-consult, but had discussed a recommendation for a more ‘substantial’ feature than those proposed for Kendrick Road.  

Resolved -

(1)   That the report be noted;

(2)   That the scheme, as reported to the Sub-Committee in November 2020 and advertised, be implemented, subject to the speed cushion proposed on Redlands Road, towards the junction with Elmhurst Road, being replaced with a parking bay build-out feature;

(3)   That no public inquiry be held into the proposal;

(4)   That any money left over from this scheme be used for other highways schemes in Redlands Ward.

(Councillor Terry declared an interest on this item the basis that she lived in the vicinity).