Issue - decisions

Anti-Social Behaviour Policy

09/01/2024 - Anti-Social Behaviour Policy

The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report which sought approval of the updated Anti-Social Behaviour Policy, which had not been refreshed since 2014.  The draft Policy was attached to the report at Appendix 1.

The report explained that the Policy introduced a new procedure that the Anti-Social Behaviour Team would follow that had been designed to make the team’s case management procedure more efficient and only tackle those cases in which genuine, significant and/or persistent anti-social behaviour (ASB) was occurring.  The policy also set out the types of issues that were associated with clash of lifestyles and not considered to be ASB.  The report also explained that the Policy did not include dealing with environmental ASB and noise nuisance outside of RBC Housing jurisdiction.

The new policy set out how the Anti-Social Behaviour Team would deal with ASB in Reading by:

·       Taking effective action to deal with severe and/or persistent anti-social behaviour;

·       Encouraging residents to report anti-social behaviour by promoting a victim focussed service;

·       Setting realistic expectations in relation to what types of ASB the Team could deal with and the actions available to the Team;

·       Providing support and advice to victims of anti-social behaviour;

·       Ensuring a partnership approach was taken to tackle anti-social behaviour.


That the updated Anti-Social Behaviour Policy be approved.