Issue - decisions

200979/FUL - 18 Parkside Road

15/12/2023 - 200979/FUL - 18 Parkside Road

Demolition of detached house and annex and erection of 3 storey building for 3x3, 3x2, and 6x1 bed flats, with undercroft parking, landscaping and bin stores (amended). 

The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above application. 

Comments and objections were received and considered.

Resolved –

(1)      That application 200979/FUL be refused for the following reasons:


1.    The proposed design of the development due to its utilitarian appearance, bulk, height, massing and plot coverage would result in the site appearing overdeveloped and a discordant addition within an area which is predominantly of low-density suburban domestic character. The proposal would therefore appear as a harmful addition to the streetscene, and fails to maintain and enhance the overall character and appearance of the area contrary to policies CC7 (Design and the Public Realm), H10 (Private and Communal Outdoor Space) and H11 (Development of Private Residential Gardens) of the adopted Reading Borough Local Plan (2019);

2.    The proposed development, due to is overall bulk, height and massing, and the proposed location and amount of window openings, specifically on the southern and eastern sides, would create an overbearing development on and would result in the loss of amenity, through overlooking and loss of privacy, to neighbouring properties at Nos. 16 Parkside Road and 29 Westcote Road. As such the proposal would fail to protect the impact on the living environment of these properties, contrary to Policy CC8 (Safeguarding Amenity) of the adopted Reading Borough Local Plan (2019);

3.    In the absence of a completed legal agreement to secure: (i) An acceptable mitigation plan or equivalent contribution towards the provision of Employment, Skills and Training for the construction phase of the development; and (ii) An acceptable contribution towards the provision of Affordable Housing within the Borough the proposal fails to fails to contribute adequately to the employment, skills or training needs of local people with associated socio-economic harm, contrary to Policy CC9 (Securing Infrastructure) of the Reading Borough Local Plan (2019) and the Employment Skills and Training SPD (2013) and fails to adequately contribute to the Affordable Housing needs within the Borough contrary to policies CC9 and H3 (Affordable Housing) of the Reading Borough Local Plan (2019) and the Affordable Housing SPD (2021).

(2)      That the Deputy Director of Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services be authorised to finalise the reasons for refusal and informatives, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee and Ward Councillors.

(Councillor Rose Williams had not been present for consideration of the application at the previous meeting and therefore took no part in the debate and abstained in the vote on this application.)