(1) To oversee the development and implementation of corporate strategies and policies, which promote the provision and improvement of housing in the Borough, including within the private sector.
(2) To be responsible for provision of the Council’s housing services and other related functions, including:
· Providing housing accommodation for those households in need, either directly through the Council's own stock, or in other ways, in conjunction with Housing Associations and developers
· Managing the Council's stock of housing and garages and assessing rents of dwellings
· Temporary accommodation for those in urgent need through homelessness or emergency
· Housing maintenance services
· Housing Revenue Account-funded Anti-Social Behaviour Team
(3) To provide quality assurance, strategic planning for housing-related services and monitor and challenge performance against the key measures for success set out in the Corporate Plan.
(4) To oversee the promotion, licensing (where applicable) and enforcement of satisfactory standards in housing accommodation in the private sector, including houses in multiple occupation; action in respect of unfit individual private rented dwellings; and public safety in the case of empty properties.
(5) To promote the assessment and fulfilment of present and future housing needs, whether in the public or private sectors.
(6) To promote good community relations and consultation, working in partnership with the voluntary sector and local interest groups, including Reading Neighbourhood Network.