Lead Councillor for Adult Social Care


(1)      To oversee the development and implementation of policies, strategies and procedural arrangements for the provision of the Council’s adult social care functions, in accordance with the aims of the Corporate Plan priorities, in particular to: tackle inequality in our society; invest in voluntary and community organisations, building relationships and strengthening the capacity and resilience of services; prioritise the needs of the most vulnerable adults in our communities; and to tackle the effects of mental health issues and social isolation.

(2)      To oversee and be a champion for support and health services to:


·       Vulnerable adults

·       Older people

·       People with mental health problems

·       People with learning disabilities

·       People with physical disabilities

·       Carers

(3)      To provide quality assurance, strategic planning for Adult Social Care Services and monitor and challenge performance against the key measures for success set out in the Corporate Plan.

(4)      To oversee and liaise with partners on commissioned and shared services and budgets.

(5)      To promote good community relations and consultation, working in partnership with the voluntary sector and local interest groups.


(6)      To be responsible for responses to consultation undertaken by external bodies (e.g. Care Quality Commission) on adult service provision in Reading, and on developments outside Reading affecting residents in Reading.

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