The Leader and Deputy Leader will between them have the responsibilities set out below. The Deputy Leader will support the Leader in carrying out the responsibilities, share the responsibilities as appropriate, and deputise for the Leader in the Leader’s absence.
(1) To lead the development and implementation of the Council's strategic vision: “To ensure that Reading realises its potential – and that everyone who lives and works here can share the benefits of its success” and corporate plan objectives and priorities.
(2) To provide the Council’s community leadership role to promote work in partnership with key stakeholders to secure the implementation of the Sustainable Community Strategy and Reading 2050 vision and Local Development Framework.
(3) To oversee the allocation and management of resources required to implement the Council’s corporate, budgetary, and strategic objectives.
(4) To ensure the existence of effective financial management and audit arrangements (with Lead Councillor for Corporate Services & Resources).
(5) To oversee and monitor the Council’s links and relations with other Berkshire authorities, partners and external bodies including:
· Promoting the Council’s economic and other interests in the Borough and in Berkshire, the Thames Valley, the South East region, and beyond
· Local Enterprise Partnership
· Reading Economic and Destination Agency CIC
· Local Government Association and regional local government bodies
· Town twinning (with The Mayor)
(6) To ensure the effective delivery of Council services to the public.
(7) To oversee services on behalf of the Berkshire Unitary Authorities, under the terms of the joint management agreements concluded with the other Authorities.
(8) To oversee and monitor the Council’s procurement and commissioning arrangements, with reference to the Voluntary Sector Strategy (with the Lead Councillor for Corporate Services & Resources).
(9) To oversee and monitor the Council’s major procurements and infrastructure projects.
(10) To oversee the development and implementation of corporate strategies and policies, which contribute towards delivering more capacity to deliver services within local communities.
(11) To oversee public involvement with the Council, exploring and promoting new ways for the Council to engage with local people, communities and stakeholders, including use of a wide range of consultation methods.
(12) To provide quality assurance, strategic planning for community development services and monitor and challenge performance against the key measures for success set out in the Corporate Plan.
(13) To co-ordinate and monitor representation on outside organisations.
(14) To promote community use of facilities provided by other public bodies, agencies, or businesses and to oversee the development the Council’s community hubs programme.
(15) To represent the interests of the Council as shareholder of companies in which the Council has a beneficial or controlling interest, including Reading Transport Limited, Brighter Futures for Children Limited, and Homes for Reading Limited.
(16) To act as the Council’s ‘equalities champion’ promoting equal opportunities, and to lead on the general responsibility of all Councillors to ensure that the Council’s functions and services are delivered in accordance with Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010.