A) Environment
(1) To oversee the development and implementation of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan along with other associated policies and strategies across Council services to address climate change and other strategic environmental issues.
(2) To lead and champion the Council’s commitment to work towards achieving a carbon neutral Reading by 2030 and oversee services which contribute to the quality of the environment to deliver this aim.
(3) To work in partnership with the Environment Agency and Thames Water to promote flood prevention.
(4) To promote good community relations and consultation, working in partnership with the voluntary sector and local interest groups.
B) Planning
(1) To oversee the implementation of the strategic planning framework for the Council, with particular reference to delivering the Council’s Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (with the Lead Councillor for Planning & Assets).
(2) To be consulted on and approve responses (with Lead Councillor for Assets & Planning), in consultation with the Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Public Protection, on:
· Major developments outside the Borough which affect the Borough
· Regional or sub-regional planning guidance and regional transport strategy
· Other authorities’ local or structure plans
· Any strategic, non-statutory supplementary planning guidance such as area plans or planning briefs
C) Transport
(1) To provide quality assurance, strategic planning for transport and monitor and challenge performance to deliver key projects and achieve the key measures for success set out in the Corporate Plan and associated strategies and policies.
(2) To oversee the development and implementation of the Local Transport Plan to ensure that the transport elements of all major Council and private sector development initiatives contribute to the aims of the Council's transport strategy.
(4) To ensure effective public, stakeholder and business participation in the planning and transport processes.
(5) In partnership with neighbouring authorities:
· to oversee the implementation of the Reading Area Transport Plans
· to prepare a Transport Policy and Programme, and to recommend the Local Transport Plan bid and bids for supplementary grant, Local Strategic Transport Funding and other sources of Government, European and private funding to the Council.
· To operate the Berkshire Local Transport Body Assurance Framework, and to represent the Council on the Local Berkshire Transport Body.
(6) To co-ordinate liaison with:
· Local Sustainable Transport Fund Cross-Boundary Councillor Steering Group
· Berkshire Strategic Transport Forum
(8) To be responsible for the following environmental health and public protection legislation and services within the Borough:
· Hackney Carriage Licences (including Vehicle and Drivers Licences)
· Private Hire (including Vehicle, Drivers and Operators Licences)