Lead Councillor for Planning and Assets


A)       Planning


(1)      To oversee the implementation of the strategic planning framework for the Council, with particular reference to:

·       Local Development Framework

·       Sites and Detailed Policies Document

·       Unitary, Structure, Borough, and local plans

·       Minerals

·       Cross-boundary plans

·       Area plans or planning briefs for strategic sites within the Borough

·       Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (with Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy & Transport)

·       Community Infrastructure Levy

(2)      To ensure the Council’s position on strategic matters under consideration by the Joint Minerals and Waste Planning Committee is properly represented.


(3)      To be consulted on and approve responses (with Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy & Transport), in consultation with the Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Public Protection, on:

·       Major developments outside the Borough which affect the Borough

·       Regional or sub-regional planning guidance and regional transport strategy

·       Other authorities’ local or structure plans

·       Any strategic, non-statutory supplementary planning guidance such as area plans or planning briefs

(4)      To be responsible for overseeing the effectiveness of the following functions:

·       Planning policy

·       Development Management

·       Planning enforcement

·       Building Control

(5)      To promote effective public participation in the planning process.


B)       Assets


(1)      To be responsible for overseeing the effectiveness of the Corporate Asset Management Plan to make the best use of corporate land, buildings, and assets with regard to:

·       Acquisitions

·       Utilisation of assets

·       Management of facilities

·       Disposal of assets

(2)      To be responsible for overseeing the effective use of the Council’s assets and ensuring best value is achieved from them in accordance with the Financial Procedure Rules / Regulations. 


(3)      To oversee the Community Right to Bid for Assets of Community Value process.

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