Meeting: Wednesday, 1st November, 2023 6.30 pm - Planning Applications Committee
13. 230279/REG3 - The Willows, 2 Hexham Road
- Councillor Ellie Emberson - Prejudicial - Councillor Emberson declared an interest in this item on the grounds of predetermination as she was Lead Councillor for Housing. She left the meeting and took no part in the debate or decision.
- Councillor John Ennis - Prejudicial - Councillor Ennis declared an interest in this item on the grounds of predetermination as he had been Lead Councillor for Adult Social Care. He left the meeting and took no part in the debate or decision.
Meeting: Wednesday, 6th December, 2023 6.30 pm - Planning Applications Committee
12. 230613/REG3 - Amethyst Lane
- Councillor James Moore - Pecuniary - Councillor Moore declared a pecuniary interest in this item as his partner had carried out the ecological survey on the site. He left the meeting and took no part in the debate or decision.
Meeting: Wednesday, 6th December, 2023 6.30 pm - Planning Applications Committee
13. 230612/REG3 - Dwyer Road
- Councillor James Moore - Pecuniary - Councillor Moore declared a pecuniary interest in this item as his partner had carried out the ecological survey on the site. He left the meeting and took no part in the debate or decision.
Meeting: Wednesday, 6th December, 2023 6.30 pm - Planning Applications Committee
15. 231581/ADJ - TOB1, Earley Gate, Whiteknights Campus, University of Reading
- Councillor Matt Yeo - Non Pecuniary - Councillor Yeo declared a non-pecuniary interest in this Item as he was currently completing a PhD at the University of Reading.
Meeting: Wednesday, 31st January, 2024 6.30 pm - Planning Applications Committee
8. 230579/FUL & 230695/FUL - 109B Oxford Road
- Councillor Karen Rowland - Prejudicial - Councillor Rowland declared a prejudicial interest in this Item on the grounds of predetermination. She lived near the site and had previously spoken against an application for the premises. She made a statement to the Committee as Ward Councillor but then left the room and took no further part in the debate or decision.
Meeting: Wednesday, 27th March, 2024 6.30 pm - Planning Applications Committee
10. 240226/REG3 - Whitley Wood Modular Building, 29-35 Lexington Grove
- Councillor Micky Leng - Prejudicial - Councillor Leng declared a prejudicial interest on the grounds of predetermination, as he had promoted the scheme as local ward councillor. He left the meeting and took no part in the debate or decision.
Meeting: Wednesday, 24th April, 2024 6.30 pm - Planning Applications Committee
10. 240073/REG3 - Victoria Park Recreation Ground, George Street
- Councillor Karen Rowland - Prejudicial - Councillor Rowland declared a prejudicial interest on the grounds of predetermination. Councillor Rowland was Ward Councillor for the area and had expressed her views in favour of an improved playground.