Decision details

Renewal of Licensing Policy Statement

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Further to Minute 8 of the Licensing Applications Committee held on 28 September 2023, the Executive Director of Economic Growth & Neighbourhoods submitted a draft report on the renewal of the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy.  The Policy was a key document concerning the regulation of licenced premises (pub and clubs), late night refreshment, and regulated entertainment venues within Reading. The Licencing Policy set out the Council’s aims, objectives and policies for applicants and licence holders and clearly outlined what the Council expected of them. The key aim of the Licensing Policy was to ensure that the four licensing objectives, as prescribed in the Licensing Act 2003, were actively promoted.  The updated Policy had remained largely unchanged from the previous version, but the opportunity had been taken to update it and add in some additional information where legislation and guidelines had changed.  The following documents were appended to the report:

           Appendix RS-1 - Draft Licensing Policy 2023-2028

           Appendix RS-2 - Summary of Changes to Existing Policy

           Appendix RS-3 - Climate Impact Assessment

           Appendix RS-4 - Responses to Consultation

The report explained that, under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003, the Council, as the named Licensing Authority for Reading, was required to review its Licensing Policy every five years. The current policy was due to expire in October 2023 and so was due for renewal. The new Statement of Licensing Policy would come into effect on 22 October 2023.

The following motion was moved by Councillor Rowland and seconded by Councillor Woodward and CARRIED:

Resolved –

That the Statement of Licensing Policy, as attached to the report at Appendix RS1, be adopted.

Publication date: 18/12/2023

Date of decision: 17/10/2023

Decided at meeting: 17/10/2023 - Council

Accompanying Documents: