Venue: Council Chambers, Civic Offices, Reading
Contact: Richard Woodford - Committee Administrator Email: ( 0118 9372332
Link: webcast of meeting
No. | Item | |||||||||
Chair's Announcements Minutes: The Vice-Chair announced that Councillor David Absolom had stood down as Chair of the Committee. The Committee thanked Councillor Absolom for his work as Chair during 2018/19. A new Chair of the Committee was expected to be appointed at the next full Council meeting on 15 October 2019. |
Minutes of the meeting of the Adult Social Care, Children’s Services and Education Committee held on 4 April 2019. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 4 April 2019 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Questions submitted pursuant to Standing Order 36 in relation to matters falling within the Committee’s Powers & Duties which have been submitted in writing and received by the Head of Legal & Democratic Services no later than four clear working days before the meeting. Minutes: Questions on the following matters were submitted by Councillors:
(The full text of the questions and replies was made available on the Reading Borough Council website). |
Reading Secondary and College Leaders - presentation A presentation by Jo Broadhead, Headteacher at the Wren School. Minutes: Jo Broadhead, Head Teacher at the Wren School and Andy Johnson, Head Teacher at Maiden Erlegh School in Reading, gave a presentation on behalf of Reading Secondary and College Leaders (RSCL).
Jo and Andy presented feedback and concerns that had been raised by RSCL in the following areas:
· Leadership and ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Support for Children and Young People in Reading A report providing the Committee with an outline of the emotional and mental health services for children and young people in Reading. Minutes: The Director of Children’s Services, Brighter Futures for Children (BFfC), submitted a report providing the Committee with an outline of the emotional and mental health services for children and young people in Reading. A chart setting out the systems wide response to improving mental health outcomes for children ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
School Place Planning This report outlines place planning processes, forecasting of pupil numbers and capacity for mainstream and special primary and secondary schools to ensure sufficiency of places. Minutes: The Director of Children’s Services, Brighter Futures for Children (BFfC), submitted a report providing the Committee with an outline of place planning processes, forecasting of pupil numbers and capacity for mainstream and special primary and secondary schools to ensure sufficiency of places. The following appendices were attached to ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
School Transport Policy This report summarises arrangements for the statutory School Transport duties required of BFfC. Minutes: The report providing a summary of the arrangements for the statutory duties required of Brighter Futures for Children in respect of School Transport was deferred to the next meeting, in order to allow further consultation. |
Climate Emergency Plan This report outlines the Council’s progress to date in tackling climate change, work in progress and sets outs the proposed approach to responding to the climate emergency declaration made by the Council on the 26th February 2019. Minutes: The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report which outlined the Council’s progress to date in tackling climate change, work in progress and set out the proposed approach to responding to the climate emergency declaration made by the Council on 26 February 2019 (Minute 48 refers). |
Integrated Care Partnership Governance proposals This report seeks approval for a set of proposed strategic integration objectives for Health & Social Care partners across Berkshire West; together with proposals for redesigned governance and staffing arrangements (collectively titled the Berkshire West Integrated Care Partnership / BWICP) that will help to deliver these strategic objectives. Minutes: The Executive Director of Social Care and Health submitted a report that sought approval for proposals for redesigned governance and staffing arrangements (collectively titled the Berkshire West Integrated Care Partnership (BWIP)) that would help to deliver a set of proposed strategic integration objectives for Health and Social Care partners across ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |