Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading, RG1 2LU
Contact: Sarah Wilson - Committee Services Email:
No. | Item |
To confirm the Minutes of the meetings of Licensing Applications Sub-Committee 1 held on 19 March 2019 as a correct record. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of Licensing Applications Sub-Committee 1 held on 19 March 2019 were confirmed as correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Application for the Review of a Premises Licence - After Dark Nite Club PDF 4 MB To consider an application for the review of a Premises Licence in respect of After Dark Nite Club, 112 London Street, Reading, RG1 4SJ. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Planning, Development and Regulatory Services submitted a report on an application for a review of Premises Licence in respect of After Dark Nite Club, 112 London Street, Reading, RG1 4SJ. The application for review had been submitted by the Environmental Protection and Nuisance team, in its capacity as a named responsible authority on the grounds that the Premises Licence holder had failed to prevent public nuisance following discussions and the issuing of a noise abatement notice.
The Sub-Committee considered a request from the Premises Licence holder, Mr Z Khan, to adjourn the hearing in order to carry out an acoustic test of the premises. The Sub-Committee also considered a request from the Thames Valley Police’s representative, Simon Wheeler, to admit further supporting evidence to supplement the submissions that had been included in the original paperwork from the Police.
Mr Z Khan, the Premises Licence holder, and Mr Khan, the landlord of the premises, were present at the meeting and addressed the Sub-Committee. Rebecca Moon, Senior Environmental Health Officer and Simon Wheeler, Thames Valley Police, were present and addressed the Sub-Committee. Clyde Masson, Principal Licensing Officer, was also present at the meeting.
Resolved –
(1) That consideration of the review of the Premises Licence in respect of After Dark Nite Club, 112 London Street, Reading, RG1 4SJ, be adjourned to enable the Sub-Committee to give proper consideration to the additional information provided by Thames Valley Police and not on the grounds requested by the Premises Licence holder (to undertake an acoustic test), as the Sub-Committee was of the view that this should have been carried out promptly following the original request, which had been made by the Environmental Health and Protection team on 8 September 2018 and subsequently reiterated on 4 October 2018 and 6 February 2019;
(2) That the Premises Licence holder be reminded that a noise abatement notice, under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, had been served on the After Dark Nite Club on 10 November 2017 and remained in force and that any breaches of the order were an offence for which the Premises Licence holder could be prosecuted;
(3) That, in order to minimise the likelihood of further adjournments, the Sub-Committee requested that all paperwork relating to the review of the Premises Licence in respect of After Dark Nite Club from all the relevant parties be submitted to the Council at least 10 working days prior to the re-arranged date of the hearing. |