Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading, RG1 2LU
Contact: Julie Quarmby - Committee Services Email:
No. | Item |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of Licensing Applications Sub-Committee 2 held on 15 July 2021 as a correct record. Minutes: The Minutes of the meetings of Licensing Applications Sub-Committee 2 held on 15 July 2021 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence - Zapp, 30 Canterbury Road To consider an application for the grant of a premises licence – Zapp, 30 Canterbury Road Reading RG2 7TA Minutes: The Deputy Director of Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services submitted a report on an application for the grant of a Premises Licence in respect of Zapp, 30 Canterbury Road, Reading. The report stated that the application was for the grant of a premises licence to permit the following licensable activities: Hours for the Sale of Alcohol for Consumption Off the Premises Monday to Sunday 0000 hours until 2400 hours Opening Hours Monday to Sunday 0000 hours until 2400 hours. The report explained that the premises would not be open to the public. A copy of the licensing application form was attached to the report at Appendix RS1. The report stated that during the 28-day consultation period, representations had been received from RBC Licensing, RBC Planning and Thames Valley Police (TVP) which were attached to the report at Appendices RS2, RS3 and RS4 respectively. The Licensing team and Thames Valley Police had provided the applicant with proposed conditions that they consider to be appropriate and proportionate to the promotion of the licensing objectives, which were set out within Appendices RS-2 & RS-4. The applicant’s representative, Mr Botkai, had responded on behalf of the applicant stating that his client considered them to be dis-proportionate. At the meeting it was reported that a set of conditions had now been agreed with the applicant and these were submitted to the Sub-Committee. RBC Licensing, RBC Planning and Thames Valley Police (TVP) maintained an objection to the application for 24 hour opening hours and Sale of Alcohol for Consumption Off the Premises. The report stated that in determining the application the Licensing Authority had a duty to carry out its functions with a view to promoting the four licensing objectives, as follows:
The report also stated that any conditions placed on the premises licence should be appropriate and proportionate with a view to promoting the licensing objectives and that the Licensing Authority could grant (subject to appropriate conditions to promote the licensing objectives), amend, alter or refuse an application should it be deemed appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives. The report set out paragraphs 7.15, 8.11, 8.14, 8.16 to 8.19, 9.1, 9.3 to 9.5 and 9.8 to 9.11 of the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy. The report also set out paragraphs 1.5, 8.41 to 8.49, 9.11 to 9.13, 10.46, 10.49 to 10.50 and 14.63 from the Secretary of State’s Guidance to the Licensing Act 2003 issued in April 2018. Robert Botkai, Winckworth Sherwood LLP, and David Coral, representing the applicant, addressed the Sub-Committee and responded to questions. Peter Narancic, RBC Licensing, Natalie Weekes, RBC Planning and Declan Smyth, TVP, addressed the Sub-Committee and responded to questions. Robert Smalley, Licensing Enforcement Officer, presented the report at the meeting. Resolved - That, in order to promote the four licensing objectives and having regard to the oral and written representations made in advance and at the ... view the full minutes text for item |