Venue: online meeting via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Nicky Simpson - Committee Services Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest |
Consideration of formally submitted questions from members of the public or Councillors under Standing Order 36.
Additional documents: |
Petitions Consideration of any petitions submitted under Standing Order 36 in relation to matters falling within the Committee’s Powers & Duties which have been received by Head of Legal & Democratic Services no later than four clear working days before the meeting. |
Impact of Covid-19 in Reading A presentation will be given on the impact of Covid-19 on Reading. |
Tessa Lindfield, the Director of Public Health for Berkshire, will give a presentation on the 2020 Annual Report which will be published soon and will focus on the Covid-19 pandemic. Additional documents: |
Berkshire West ICP System Recovery Approach Sam Burrows, the Deputy Chief Officer of the Berkshire West CCG, will give a presentation on the Berkshire West ICP (Integrated Care Partnership) System Recovery Approach. |
Annual Influenza Report A report on the performance of the influenza vaccine campaign in winter 2019-20, to summarise lessons learned and to inform the Board of changes to the national flu programme for the coming flu season and how these will be implemented locally. Additional documents: |
Update on Mental Health Crisis Review and Building a Primary Care Mental Health Offer A report on two Mental Health transformation priorities – Mental Health Crisis Review and Building a Primary Care Mental Health Offer. |
Healthwatch Reading Annual Report 2019/20 Healthwatch Reading’s annual report, giving details of the work carried out by Healthwatch Reading in 2019/20. |
A report presenting the West of Berkshire Safeguarding Adult Board Annual Report 2018/19, which highlights the work that has been carried out across the multi-agency partnership (Reading, West Berks & Wokingham) and the Safeguarding Adults Annual Report 2018/19 for Reading Borough Council. Additional documents: |
Health and Wellbeing Dashboard - October 2020 A report presenting an update on the Health and Wellbeing Dashboard (Appendix A), which sets out local trends in a format previously agreed by the Board to provide the Board with an overview of performance and progress towards achieving local goals as set out in the 2017-20 Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Reading. Additional documents: |
Date of Next Meeting - 22 January 2021 |