
Venue: online via Microsoft Teams

Contact: Nicky Simpson - Committee Services  Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Interest


Minutes of the meeting held on 16 July 2021 pdf icon PDF 216 KB


Questions pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Consideration of formally submitted questions from members of the public or Councillors under Standing Order 36.


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Consideration of any petitions submitted under Standing Order 36 in relation to matters falling within the Committee’s Powers & Duties which have been received by Head of Legal & Democratic Services no later than four clear working days before the meeting.


Impact of Covid-19 in Reading pdf icon PDF 785 KB

Presentations will be given on the impact of Covid-19 in Reading

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Flu vaccine 2021-22 overview pdf icon PDF 462 KB

A report detailing the plan for the 2021/22 Flu Vaccine Campaign and the uptake in the 2020/21 Flu season.


"Building Berkshire Together" - update on Royal Berkshire Hospital Redevelopment

The Programme Director will give an update on progress at the meeting.

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Berkshire West Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2021-30 pdf icon PDF 242 KB

A report presenting the Berkshire West Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2021-30, for the Board to endorse and recommend to full Council for adoption.

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Refresh of the Future in Mind Berkshire West Local Transformation Plan, improving the response to Children and Young Peoples Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health pdf icon PDF 2 MB

A report providing an overview of the refreshed Future in Mind Local Transformation Plan (LTP), giving an update on how the local system is improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of all Children and Young People (CYP) across Reading, West Berkshire, and Wokingham.


SEND Strategy and Inspection Update pdf icon PDF 227 KB

A report providing a brief update on the updated SEND Strategy 2022-2027 which incorporates findings from the recent local area inspection of SEND in Reading and shares a copy of the letter from Ofsted regarding this inspection.

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Berkshire West Stop Smoking Service and E-cigarette Position Statement pdf icon PDF 262 KB

A report giving an overview of the new Berkshire West Stop Smoking Service which commences on 1 October 2021, setting out the context for commissioning this service as part of the wider system approach to Tobacco Control, the key features of the new service model and the plans being developed to ensure the service is aligned with the new NHS Tobacco Dependency Treatment services currently being developed.  It also includes a description of the recent position statement on e-cigarettes, produced by the South East Association of Directors of Public Health.

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Berkshire Suicide Prevention Strategy 2021-26 pdf icon PDF 275 KB

A report presenting the Berkshire Suicide Prevention Strategy 2021-26 for approval by the Health and Wellbeing Board.

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ICP Unified Executive - September Chair's Report pdf icon PDF 163 KB

A report giving an update on discussions and developments from the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) Unified Executive meeting, the most senior ICP meeting within Berkshire West.

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Integration Programme Update pdf icon PDF 834 KB

A report giving an update on the Integration Programme – progress made within the Programme itself and performance against the national BCF targets for the financial year so far.

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Health and Wellbeing Dashboard - October 2021 pdf icon PDF 465 KB

A report presenting an update on the Health and Wellbeing Dashboard, which sets out local trends to provide the Board with an overview of performance and progress towards achieving local goals as set out in the 2017-20 Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Reading.

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Date of Next Meeting - 21 January 2022