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Policy Committee

This page lists the meetings for Policy Committee.


Information about Policy Committee

The Policy Committee is responsible for functions including:


·       Oversight of strategy, policy and budget

·       Covering all services in the Chief Executive’s Office and Resources Directorate

·       Voluntary sector grants

·       Economic development and regeneration

·       Corporate land, buildings and assets – including where the Council is Trustee

·       Overview of service performance and improvement across all Council services

·       Partnerships: To be responsible for any joint arrangements and partnership areas relevant to the Committee

·       Decisions cutting across service committee areas

·       Any decision between committee meetings, on an urgency basis

·       Sole Member/Owner for Brighter Futures for Children Ltd

·       Shareholder for Reading Transport Ltd and any other wholly-owned Council companies


Committee meetings are open to the public and petitions and questions can be formally submitted. Use our form here or the contact details at the bottom of this page.


The full terms of reference can be found in Article 7 of the Council’s Constitution:

Constitution of the council - Reading Borough Council