Note: The members of Licensing Applications Sub-Committee are drawn
from the Licensing Applications Committee for each
The Sub-Committee determines functions under the
Licensing Act 2003 and any regulations or orders made under that
Act, including:
Application for personal licence if a
relevant representation is made
Any application for a personal licence or
its revocation where the applicant has unspent
Application for premises licence/club
premises certificate if a relevant representation is
Applications to vary designated premises
supervisor where a representation is received
Application to vary a premises licence if
a relevant representation is made
Any application to review premises
Determination of a representation to a
temporary event notice
The Sub-Committee
is also responsible for licensing functions that are not included
in the Licensing Act 2003, including:
Hackney carriage vehicle and drivers’
Private hire vehicle, drivers’ and
operators’ licences
Street trading
Approval of recreation and refreshment
The Sub-Committee
is also able to approve licensing policies related to its functions
or recommend them to the Licensing Applications Committee or
Council and would also determine an
application made in respect of the Gambling Act 2005 where a
relevant representation has been made.
The full terms of reference can be found in Section
3 of Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution:
Constitution of the council - Reading Borough