Report by Chief Executive
The Chief Executive, submitted a report on the latest refreshed version of the Council’s Corporate Plan, entitled ‘Shaping Readings Future: Our Corporate Plan 2018-21’, which had originally been agreed by the Council on 26 June 2018 (Minute 20 refers). The updated Corporate Plan was appended to the report and set out:
· The Council’s vision and priorities which provide the context for service delivery;
· How the Council works together with partners and our contribution to Shaping Readings Future; and
· How we will measure the difference that we make.
Following consideration by Councillors, in January and March 2019, feedback from portfolio holders and officers had been incorporated into the final draft Plan. The Council’s success measures had also been updated to include 2018/19 results along with revised targets where results had shown variation from the estimate. The progress against the measures of success would be reported to Councillors regularly with a quarterly performance report being published four times per year.
The following motion was moved by Councillor Brock and seconded by Councillor Page and CARRIED:
Resolved –
That the refreshed Corporate Plan, Shaping Reading’s Future: Our Corporate Plan 2018-21, be approved, as outlined at Appendix 1 to the report.
Supporting documents: