Agenda item

An Overview of NHS England's Consultation on "Integrated Care Provider Contracts"

A presentation providing the Committee with an overview of the Integrated Care Provider (ICP) Contract consultation run by NHS England.


The Director of Adult Care and Health Services gave a presentation providing the Committee with an overview of the Integrated Care Provider (ICP) Contract consultation that was being run by NHS England.  The presentation outlined the opportunities for feeding into the consultation, the process for doing so and that the consultation was about and answered a number of questions including how health and care was bought, how an ICP would work, what was in the ICP contract, who could be an ICP, how ICPs could work with GPs and whether or not there would be lots of ICPs.  The consultation would be open from 3 August to 26 October 2018.

The Committee discussed the presentation and Councillor Hoskin proposed that the Council’s response to the consultation should be based on his motion to Council on 27 March 2018 (Minute 43 refers) and should express the concern that moving to market procurement could lead to the provision of services by private providers.  The Committee agreed that the Director of Adult Care and Health Services should be given delegated authority to put together the Council’s response to the consultation in consultation with the Lead Councillor.

Resolved –

(1)     That the presentation be noted;

(2)     That Director of Adult Care and Health Services, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Health, Wellbeing & Sport, be delegated authority to put together the Council’s response to the consultation based on the motion to Council on 27 March 2018.


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