This report updates the Sub-Committee on preparatory work for improvements at Mapledurham Playing Field, including archaeological investigations to inform the development of the Landscape Master Plan and discussion with Caversham Trents FC on the proposed facilities.
The Head of Economic and Cultural Development submitted a report giving an update on preparatory work for improvements at Mapledurham Playing Fields, including archaeological investigations and discussion with Caversham Trents FC on the proposed facilities.
The report explained that Oxford Archaeology had undertaken a series of archaeological investigations to inform the development of the Landscape Master Plan and planning application. A geophysical survey had been undertaken across the Playing Fields to identify features that might contain archaeology, and a series of trenches had been dug across the site to investigate the features identified in the geophysical survey. Most had been found to represent variations of natural geology, but various archaeological features including a large D-shaped Roman enclosure had been found. Further deep excavations had then been undertaken, at locations off the football pitches, to establish whether any Palaeolithic archaeology was present, but nothing of significance had been found. Archaeological investigations within the school site would be undertaken by the EFSA from November 2018 onwards.
The report stated that as a result of the investigations the Landscape Master Plan would be amended to protect the Roman archaeology found to the northwest corner of the sports fields, but that the full range of mitigation and enhancement previously reported was still believed to be deliverable within the budget identified. An updated Plan including the location of the children’s play area, and the additions of lighting the central avenue and a small overflow ‘grasscrete’ carpark area to the north of the proposed school, as approved by the Sub-Committee at the previous meeting, would be submitted to a future meeting. The report set out a projected timetable for securing planning approval for the external works.
The report also noted that preparatory work had commenced on plans for the Pavilion, including dialogue with Caversham Trents FC, who had stated that match funding towards the provision of an artificial turf pitch and other improved facilities would be more beneficial to the club than the inclusion of additional changing rooms. It was therefore proposed that the refurbishment of the Pavilion retain the existing layout, and omit the additional changing rooms, with the cost savings to be allocated to a fund for match/contributory funding by the Trust or partner clubs for improvement to facilities on the playing fields such as an Artificial Turf Pitch.
The report also informed the Sub-Committee that Judicial Review Proceedings in regard of the Heights School planning permission had been commenced on 21 September 2018, and that a Judicial Review Hearing had been set for 20 November 2018. The planning application submission and contractor procurement for the external works would not take place until the outcome of the Judicial Review was known, and it was therefore possible that these could be delayed.
Resolved –
(1) That the work to date be noted;
(2) That amendments to the Landscape Master Plan to protect the Roman archaeology be reported to a future meeting of the Sub-Committee;
(3) That, following representations from Caversham Trents, the inclusion of two additional changing rooms be omitted from the proposed scheme and the monies saved be allocated to contributory/match funding for future grant applications by the Trust and its partners.
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