This report outlines the current economic situation in Reading as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the initial and ongoing response from the Council.
The Executive Director for Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services submitted a report outlining the current economic situation in Reading as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the initial and ongoing response from the Council. The following documents were attached to the report:
• Appendix 1 Reading Unlock Dashboard (August 2020)
• Appendix 2 The Reading ‘Powered By People’ Economic Strategy
• Appendix 3 RBC Economic Recovery and Renewal Group Terms of Reference
The report proposed formal adoption of the Reading ‘Powered By People’ Strategy, an economic recovery strategy developed by Reading UK, the Council’s outsourced economic development and marketing company. The Strategy was based on extensive research and analysis by a variety of commentators and expertise within Reading UK and partner organisations. It aimed to build back an economy that was more inclusive, smarter and more sustainable, and to continue to raise the profile of Reading as a great place to live, work, visit and do business, in line with the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities.
Resolved –
(1) That the ‘Powered By People’ Strategy be endorsed and adopted as the Council’s Economic Recovery Strategy Framework;
(2) That the Council’s commitment to working in partnership with Reading UK and other key partners to ensure a sustainable economic recovery which would address the key challenges facing residents and businesses in the Borough be reaffirmed.
Supporting documents: