Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Reading

Contact: Michael Popham - Democratic Services Manager  Email:

Link: Webcast of Meeting

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 117 KB

The Mayor to sign the Minutes of the proceedings of the previous Council Meeting.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2019 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.



Petitions pdf icon PDF 14 KB

To receive petitions in accordance with Standing Order 8.


Paul Goddard presented a petition in the following terms:


“Opposition to the Environment Agency’s Flood Defence Proposals


We oppose the Environment Agency’s (EA) flood defence proposals for Caversham.

There has been no reported property damage attributed to the River Thames flooding but the EA are proposing measures that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.


Questions from Members of the Public pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Questions in accordance with Standing Order 9.








Tony Warrell

Housing Shortages

Cllr Ennis


Philip Allen

Climate Crisis

Cllr Page


Jennifer Leach

Reading Festival

Cllr James


Jennifer Leach

Caversham Flood Alleviation Scheme

Cllr Page


Eloise Jones

Climate Change

Cllr Page


Michael Sage

Reading Climate Change Strategy 3

Cllr Page  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Questions from Councillors pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Questions in accordance with Standing Order 10.








Cllr Duveen

Final Annual Accounts 2016-17

Cllr Brock


Cllr Josh Williams

KPMG Refund

Cllr Brock


Cllr James


Cllr James


Cllr McGonigle

Engine Idling

Cllr Page


Cllr Whitham

Electric Vehicle Charging from Lampposts

Cllr Page


Cllr Josh Williams

Sustainable Transport Solutions  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.


Councillors' Allowances Scheme 2019/20 - 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Report by Director of Resources

Additional documents:


Further to Minutes 54 and 9 of the Council’s meetings held on 26 March and 22 May 2019 respectively, the Director of Resources submitted a report recommending that the Council considered the findings of the Independent Remuneration Panel to amend the adopted scheme of Councillors’ Allowances for the financial year  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.


Shaping Reading's Future: Our Corporate Plan 2018-21 Annual Refresh pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Report by Chief Executive

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive, submitted a report on the latest refreshed version of the Council’s Corporate Plan, entitled ‘Shaping Readings Future: Our Corporate Plan 2018-21’, which had originally been agreed by the Council on 26 June 2018 (Minute 20 refers).  The updated Corporate Plan was appended to the report and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.


Draft Capital Strategy pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Report by Director of Resources

Additional documents:


The Director of Resources submitted a report to seek approval for the Capital Strategy in accordance with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’ (CIPFA) revised Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities 2017.  The draft Capital Strategy 2019 was appended to report for consideration.  The Capital Strategy  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.


Tackling Single Use Plastics

Councillor Eden to move:

This Council notes:

·         Worldwide, roughly 300 million tons of plastic is manufactured each year and half of it is disposable and ends up in our rivers and in the sea.

·         In England, re-usable plastic products including an estimated 4.7bn plastic straws, 316m plastic stirrers and 1.8bn plastic-stemmed cotton buds are used each year.

·         The oceans are expected to contain one tonne of plastic for every three tonnes of fish by 2025, and by 2050, more plastics than fish by weight according to the Ellen McArthur Foundation.

·         Plastics in the environment can release toxic chemical as they decompose which pose a danger to marine life and, through the food chain, ultimately humans.

·         The Government has announced a plan to control sale of a small number of single-use plastic products from April 2020 but not all avoidable single-use plastics. Environmental groups including the Marine Conservation Society and the Campaign to Protect Rural England have called for the government to do more.

·         Some single-use plastic products are essential for providing care and support or to enable groups such as older people, people with disabilities and autistic people to live their daily lives.

This Council welcomes:

·         Our waste management partnership RE3’s introduction last year of recycling plastic trays, pots and tubs in addition to plastic bottles.

·         The announcement that Reading Festival will be free of single-use plastics by 2021.

·         Community initiatives like Refill Reading which aims to reduce the number of disposable coffee cups going to landfill by encouraging people in our town to use reusable cups in cafes.

This Council resolves to:

·         Ensure that, wherever possible, single use plastic is eliminated from use within the Council as soon as this can be achieved.

·         Wherever possible, phase out the purchase and procurement of single-use plastic products through services commissioned by the Council as soon as it is practicable.

·         Bring reports to future meetings of the appropriate committees that describes the Council’s plans to eliminate single-use plastic from the organisation, including a timetable for doing so.

·         To actively work with Reading’s businesses, community groups and residents to share advice, ideas and best practice to help them transition from single-use plastic products to sustainable alternatives.

·         Work with schools to support the aspiration of Reading’s young people to eliminate plastic waste from our environment.

  • Seek to work with neighbouring authorities through RE3 and other links to tackle single use plastic use across the wider Berkshire area.


Pursuant to Notice, the following motion was moved by Councillor Eden and seconded by Councillor Davies and CARRIED:


Resolved –

This Council notes:

·                Worldwide, roughly 300 million tons of plastic is manufactured each year and half of it is disposable and ends up in our rivers and in the sea.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21.