Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU

Contact: Simon Hill - Committee Services Email: (  0118 9372303


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 92 KB


The Minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Potential Site Visits for Committee Items pdf icon PDF 143 KB


The Committee considered a report setting out a schedule of applications to be considered at future meetings of the Committee to enable Councillors to decide which sites, if any, they wished to visit prior to determining the relevant applications. The report also listed previously agreed site visits which were yet to take place.


Resolved -    That no additional site visits be arranged.


Planning Appeals pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report on notifications received from the Planning Inspectorate on planning appeals registered with them or decisions made and providing summary reports on appeal decisions of interest to the Committee.


Appendix 1 to the report set out details of two new appeals lodged since the last Committee.  Appendix 2 to the report set out details of one appeal decided since the last Committee.  Appendix 3 to the report set out reports on the following appeal decisions:



The development proposed is the demolition of existing dwelling house and large detached garage and erection of new building comprising of two buildings of 1 detached and 2 x semi detached dwellings with associated uses.


Written representations.


Appeal dismissed.



The development proposed is the erection of a new end of terrace house and alterations and extensions to the existing house.


Written representations.


Appeal dismissed.


Resolved –


(1)       That the new appeals, as set out in Appendix 1, be noted;


(2)       That the outcome of the recently determined appeal, as set out in Appendix 2, be noted;


(3)       That the reports on the appeal decisions in Appendix 3 be noted.


Applications for Prior Approval pdf icon PDF 167 KB


The Committee received a report on the types of development that could be submitted for Prior Approval and providing a summary of applications received and decisions taken in accordance with the prior approval process as set out in the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order (GPDO 2015) as amended. Table 1 set out two prior approval applications received, and Table 2 set out three applications for prior approval decided, between 13 June and 12 July 2024.


Resolved – That the report be noted.


2024/25 First Quarter Performance Report - Planning & Building Control pdf icon PDF 185 KB


The Committee received a report on the work and performance of the Planning Development Management team and Building Control team for the first quarter of 2024/2025 (April to June) with comparison to quarter one in the previous year.  The report focussed on planning and building control application processing performance and fee income.  It also explained the intention to increase pre-planning application fees, miscellaneous enquiry charges and building regulation application fees.


A verbal update was given at the meeting to provide information missing from Table 1b on miscellaneous fee income, to explain the process for the mid-year review of and decision to increase fees and to correct an error in the report regarding the resultant percentage increase.


Resolved -   


(1)          That the report be noted;


(2)          That the intention to implement a mid-year increase in pre-planning application fees, miscellaneous enquiry charges and building regulation application fees, using delegated powers to officers, be noted.


240422/VARIAT & 240404/LBC - 1-15 (odd) Queen Victoria Street & 145-148 Friar Street pdf icon PDF 11 MB

Proposal                    (240422) Variation of conditions 2, 3, 4, 7, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 & 48 and removal of conditions 29 & 30 of permission 221232 (dated 24/05/23 for various demolition works and redevelopment for reconfigured basement/ground floor uses, apart- hotel, various extensions and new-build elements, public courtyard and associated works), including reconfiguration of 5-15 (Odd) Queen Victoria St from 6 to 3 units at basement /ground floor level and rear dormer alterations at 3rd floor level, increase in rooms and provision of  apart-hotel entrance on Queen Victoria St, remodelling of the extent of new-build elements at 145-146 Friar St, together with dormer and roof level changes, and various other associated works. 

Recommendation     Application permitted


Proposal                    (240404) Various internal and external works associated with Nos 147 and 148 Friar St and Nos 1 and 15 (odd) Queen Victoria St, including part-two, part-three storey rear extension to 5-15 (odd) Queen Victoria St, as part of redevelopment to provide reconfigured basement and ground floor uses on Friar St and Queen Victoria St frontages and proposed apart-hotel (Class C1) and on all upper floors. 

Recommendation     Application permitted




Variation of conditions 2, 3, 4, 7, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 & 48 and removal of conditions 29 & 30 of permission 221232 (dated 24/05/23 for various demolition works and redevelopment for reconfigured basement/ground floor uses, apart- hotel, various extensions and new-build elements, public courtyard and associated works), including reconfiguration of 5-15 (Odd) Queen Victoria St from 6 to 3 units at basement /ground floor level and rear dormer alterations at 3rd floor level, increase in rooms and provision of  apart-hotel entrance on Queen Victoria St, remodelling of the extent of new-build elements at 145-146 Friar St, together with dormer and roof level changes, and various other associated works.


Various internal and external works associated with Nos 147 and 148 Friar St and Nos 1 and 15 (odd) Queen Victoria St, including part-two, part-three storey rear extension to 5-15 (odd) Queen Victoria St, as part of redevelopment to provide reconfigured basement and ground floor uses on Friar St and Queen Victoria St frontages and proposed apart-hotel (Class C1) and on all upper floors.


The Committee considered a report on the above applications.  A verbal update was given at the meeting which explained that correspondence had been received from the applicant which addressed concerns raised by Environmental Protection regarding the non-submission of technical notes from the original authors of the air quality, mechanical and electrical services and noise and vibration impact assessment reports.


Comments and objections were received and considered.


Resolved –


(1)          That application 240422/VARIAT for the variation and removal of conditions for permission 221232 be granted, with the amended and additional conditions and informatives recommended in the report;


(2)          That listed building consent for application 240404/LBC be granted, subject to the conditions and informatives recommended in the report.


240475/FUL - Russell House, 117-119 Oxford Road pdf icon PDF 5 MB

Proposal                   Shopfront alterations to include new disabled access door, increased depth of two frontage windows and disabled access ramp, resurfacing of front forecourt (amended description).

Recommendation  Application Permitted

Additional documents:


Shopfront alterations to include new disabled access door, increased depth of two frontage windows and disabled access ramp, resurfacing of front forecourt (amended description)


The Committee received a report on the above application.  An update report was tabled at the meeting which provided additional information on waste collection, summarised further responses to the consultation, and set out a list of submitted plans and documents which had been omitted from the original report.  Two additional conditions were recommended regarding the forecourt area and a waste management plan and removal of one informative and addition of one new informative was also recommended.  A verbal update was given at the meeting to explain that ten additional letters of support for the application had been received.


Comments and objections were received and considered.


Objector Richard Bennett, representing the Baker Street Area Neighbourhood Association, and Jeff Asemi on behalf of the applicant, attended the meeting and addressed the Committee on this application.


Resolved –


(1)          That planning permission for application 240475/FUL be granted, subject to the conditions and informatives as set out in the original report with the additional conditions and amendments to informatives as set out in the update report;


(2)          That officers inform Ward Councillors of the details of the implementation of the conditions regarding materials details, provision of a hard surface to the forecourt and the provision of a ramp and steps.


231254/FUL - Thales Research and Technology Ltd, Worton Drive pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Proposal                   Application for demolition of an existing building and erection of New building to allow a flexible use within classes, e(g)(ii), e(g) (iii), B2 and B8 and a series of physical works to reconfigure the site, new hard and soft landscaping and associated infrastructure.

Recommendation  Application Permitted


Application for demolition of an existing building and erection of a new building to allow a flexible use within classes, e(g)(ii), e(g) (iii), B2 and B8 and a series of physical works to reconfigure the site, new hard and soft landscaping and associated infrastructure.


The Committee considered a report on the above application.


Comments were received and considered.


Resolved –


(1)          That the Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Public Protection Services be authorised to grant planning permission for application 231254/FUL, subject to the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement by 24 October 2024 (unless a later date be agreed by the Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Public Protection Services) to secure the Heads of Terms set out in the report;


(2)          That the Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Public Protection Services be authorised to make such minor changes to the conditions, Heads of Terms and details of the legal agreement as may reasonably be required to issue the permission;


(3)       That, in the event of the requirements set out not being met, the Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Public Protection Services be authorised to refuse permission;


(4)       That planning permission be subject to the conditions and informatives as recommended in the report.