This report sets out an objection received to an advertised proposal to increase hackney carriage fares, and recommends that the fare increase be implemented as advertised.
The Executive Director of Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on a proposed fare increase, which had been received from the Reading Taxi Association. The Licensing Applications Sub-Committee 3 had considered the proposal at its meeting on 6 February 2020 (Minute 21 refers) and had authorised an increase in hackney carriage fares by means of a decrease in yardage after the flag drop to 133 yards for all daytime fares, subject to no objections being received as a result of advertising the proposed increase in a local newspaper. During the consultation period on the increase an objection was received on the basis of the unhelpfulness of some individual drivers. The objection was not strictly relevant to the issue out for consultation and therefore it was recommended that the fare increase should be implemented and the objector be asked to report specific instances of perceived driver unhelpfulness to the Licensing Team for advice. In addition, the Lead Councillor for Strategic Environment, Planning & Transport, Tony Page, said he would be personally raising the substance of the objection with the Reading Taxi trade.
The proposed fare increase was based on a decrease in the yardage for day time fares only. After the flag drop, it was recommended to reduce the current yardage from 145 yards (0-2miles) and 140 yards (over 2miles) to 133 yards for all day time distances, which would equate to an average increase of 3.50%. However, as there was no proposal to reduce the yardage for night time fares, the overall average percentage over day and night fares would equate to an increase of 1.75%. This recommendation was consistent with the decision of the Licensing Applications Sub-Committee 3.
In addition, due to the Coronavirus pandemic the implementation of the fare increase would pose a serious practical difficulty. Officers would have to oversee the replacement of programmable chips in the taxi meters of around 240 cars. This was not feasible in the present circumstances because it would expose staff to unnecessary risks of engaging with a wide range of people and vehicles. It was therefore recommended that given the constraints of current circumstances, the taxi trade would be advised that implementation would only take place when it was safe to do so.
The report had appended the following supporting documentation:
Appendix I - Current and proposed table of fares
Appendix II - Letter from the Vice chair Reading Taxi Association
Appendix III - National fares table
Appendix IV - Response from RCDA in respect of the proposed fare increase
Appendix V - Email objection to fare increase
Appendix VI - Hackney Carriage Vehicle Driver Conditions.
Resolved –
(1) That the objection to the fare increase, attached as Appendix V to the report, and summarised in paragraph 5.1.4 be deemed not strictly relevant to the consultation on the Hackney Carriage Fares increase on the grounds set out in paragraph 5.2.2 of the report;
(2) That the Hackney Carriage fare increase be allowed to proceed as previously advertised, that being an increase in hackney carriage fares by means of a decrease in yardage after the flag drop to 133 yards for all daytime fares, however the taxi trade be advised that implementation could only take place when it was safe to do so in the present circumstances because it would expose staff to unnecessary risks of engaging with a wide range of people and vehicles.
Supporting documents: