Report by Returning Officer
Further to Minute 66 of the Policy Committee held on 14 December 2020, the Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer submitted a report seeking approval of the boundaries of revised polling districts within each ward, which had been necessitated by the changes in ward boundaries brought about by the results of the Local Government Ward Boundary Review. The plans showing the boundaries of revised individual polling districts were attached to this report. The report also recommended authorising the Returning Officer to make changes to polling places under certain limited circumstances to protect the integrity of an election and/or electoral arrangements.
The following motion was moved by Councillor Brock and seconded by Councillor Page and CARRIED:
(1) That the polling districts shown on the plan marked “Reading Borough Council Polling Districts 2022” be approved;
(2) That the polling places for each of the polling districts referred to in recommendation (1) above be designated as listed in the appendix to the report;
(3) That the Returning Officer be authorised to make changes to polling places in urgent circumstances where doing so would be necessary to protect the integrity of an election and/or electoral arrangements.
Supporting documents: